We all have heard of the marketing gimmick, 'Kids Eat Free'. Those restaurants are our favourite destination when dining out, because while being kid friendly, it is also pocket friendly when you have kids with temperamental appetite that changes favourite foods overnight. Also makes a great take-out meal for later feedings.
But did you also know that adults can play for free at most indoor kids' playground? Yes, it is the biggest conspiracy theory in the light of parenthood, the unspoken truth, and perhaps utilised so much yet no one speaks of it.
This is particularly true if you have kids below the age of 2 years. You sure need to be by your kid's side for full supervision to ensure smooth play time. And if you have kids above that age, you could pretend that they are nervous, and stick to their side. This could perhaps go on till the age that the kids actually chase you away for coming in the way. That, my friend, is the end of it!
It definitely pays visiting a new and higher end play area. For one thing the equipments are new, sturdy and of infinite amount of excitement. Yes, I am talking about excitement that involves even the most adult person. Who doesn't feel like a kid in a candy store everytime seeing a pool full of balls, and I am not talking about the kids. It just gets too tempting not to jump into it, that too while pretending to be going after the kids.
And now totally illuminated with the presence of a (freeloader) parent.
The cassia seed playground is definitely a favourite for the boys. They got down and dirty and brought back numerous seeds back home in their pockets, pants and diaper, yes true story!
2 kids and ... another kid!
Spot the kid!
Now spot the pretending kid.