Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mother Of All Shortcuts

It is once in a blue moon request from hubby comes in that he wants to eat something healthy. I asked why, and he goes 'because I am on a diet'. Then I briefly recalled a conversation on Sunday night, that after the long weekend binging, he wants to go on a diet. I am surprised, because usually these diets don't last more than 24 hours!

Well, no sweat, I am all for the healthy cooking and eating. I just need the audience, that's all. I thought of making chicken wraps. But there was one roadblock. I did not have any tortilla wraps at home, thanks to Tesco for not stocking on when I shopped there on Sunday. And the frozen paratha would totally not serve the purpose.

Rummaging through my tiny fridge (yeah, my fridge is so tiny I am amazed how I can stuff so much goodies into it) I found the ready made pizza crust. I could literally see the light bulb illuminate inside my head. Or maybe it was just the lighting in the freezer. The point is, I found a solution.

I cut the pizza crust into half, so now I have two semi spheres. I slit it in the center to create a pocket, and now we a pita bread that can be filled with yummy goodness! And the texture is just right to be eaten toasted too.

The chicken breast preparation is so much inspired from tandoori recipe. A few hours earlier I marinated some chicken breast in yogurt, chilli powder, ginger & garlic paste, salt and pepper. Then I cook them with no oil on the Happy Call Pan. I love my HCP so much but I always forget give it credit all the time. Prep some salad leaves, baby tomatoes and black olives.

Once chicken is done. I am torn as to how to toast the bread. I did not want to use up another utensil that would add up to the amount of washing I have to do. And the HCP called out to me, 'I am not two-sided for nothing!' I saw the light bulb illuminate again!

So I turn the HCP, and toast my pita breads on the unused side, and voila! Fill the 'pita' with the healthy goodness. And then hubby ate the pita bread with all kinds of sauce, ranging from roasted sesame, japanese mayo and barbeque sauce! Oh well, I suppose we can go overboard with the sauce since we went healthy till now.

The last I checked, no complains over the healthy meal. I wonder what comes today, to diet or not to diet?! Till then I shall keep the light bulb to rest, else the electricity bills are gonna soar.

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