Tuesday, May 5, 2015

No Knead, No Mess, Easiest Bread

When I first read http://www.alexandracooks.com/ post on her mother's best peasant bread The Best Easiest Bread You Will Ever Make I was skeptical thinking 'yea right and I am Duchess of Cambridge'.

Boy oh boy, was I wrong. And how gleefully!

I set out to making the alleged easiest bread, and believe me, it cannot get any easier!

I did not have pyrex bowl, so I used the loaf pan, so I did not get crispy bottom, yet, it was a delight to not knead, just bake and eat. Any easier you will have to buy it on your own!

Here's how I did it:
Mix 2 tsp yeast into 1 cup of lukewarm water and some sugar. Stir it and leave it till it foams. Mix 2 cups of all purpose flour (I used 1/2 cup wholewheat flour & the rest APF) with salt and 2 tsp sugar in a mixing bowl. Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and stir till it comes together. This mixture will appear more like a batter than dough. Cover with a towel and leave it to proof for 1 hour. In the meantime butter your baking dish well. After the first proof, you can use fork to poke and punch the dough down. Use the fork or your hands (buttered) to transfer into the baking dish. Proof for another 30 minutes and bake in preheated 220C oven for 18-20 minutes. 

For my maiden attempt, I decided to go faux foccacia, so I added some mixed herbs and what appeared to be 1tbsp of EVOO into the batter, and voila!

Excellent to be eaten with butter, or on its own!


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